Macbook Air with Cloud Rebels Dashboard

Everything from a Single Source

Why purchase expensive devices elsewhere when you can get everything in one package from us? We provide you with the latest devices offering optimal protection against threats, and we prepare them for you so that new employees are ready for use immediately.

+ Cutting Edge Technology

Utilizing the latest technology not only ensures seamless operational processes but also enhances your company's appeal to skilled workers in the job market.

Two Macbooks One Iphone

+ No Financial Constraints

With our leasing model, you have access to the latest technology without hefty upfront costs. This frees up your capital for other purposes, preserving your financial flexibility.

Money raining from Cloud

+ Better For The Environment

At the end of the rental period, the devices you utilize are not discarded; instead, they find a second purpose in other areas.

This extends their life cycle, reducing the necessity for new production and making a valuable contribution to environmental protection.

Reusing Devices
Two Macbooks One IphoneMoney raining from CloudReusing Devices

Unleash growth

embrace Leasing

Onboarding Graphic

MDM: Onboarding made easy

With our mobile device management system, devices and software are configured remotely to align with your preferences, allowing new employees to start immediately.

We handle macOS, iOS, Windows, and Android, providing you with the best possible overview of the current status and system health of your devices.

If something doesn't work as usual, we're here for you through remote access. In the event of a lost or stolen device, we can promptly block it to protect your data.

Endpoint Protection Graphic

EDR: Always a step ahead

Endpoint Detection and Response, or simply Endpoint Protection, is a combination of various configurations designed to optimally safeguard your devices and network against attacks of all types.

Now you can release the worries and risks associated with cyber defense and protection, entrusting the responsibility to the safe hands of our experts.


Stay Smart

Seize the opportunity and choose our Smart Device Leasing today! Access cutting-edge technology without high upfront costs. Ensure flexibility and allocate your capital to other business goals. Take action now and reap the benefits.

Smart Device Leasing
Cost Savings:
Lower upfront investments
Premium Devices:
High-end technology for your employees
Flexibility & Scalability:
Easy adjustment of equipment inventory
Lower exposure to electronic waste
Technical Support:
Straightforward replacements
Carbon-free Delivery:
No ecological footprint
Mobile Device Management (MDM):
Enables the configuration, remote support, and software management of rented devices
Enpoint Protection (EDR):
Ensures effective threat detection, response to security incidents, and forensic investigations

Lease now
and save money!



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